Nurse's Office

Childrens Group


Lindsay Wilcox

Jamie Brillhart

EMail: [email protected]

Phone: (802) 899-2272


When Should my Child Stay Home? As we return to school during the pandemic, our procedures have changed significantly. Please refer to the District Wide Health Information for Families

Immunization Exemptions: Act 157 relates to immunization exemptions. This legislation requires that all religious exemptions must be signed and submitted at the start of each school year.

The parent or guardian signing the exemption must also acknowledge the following:

  • They have read and understood evidence‐based information regarding immunizations as provided by the Vermont Department of Health.
  • They understand that failure to complete the required vaccination schedule increases risk to the child and others of contracting or carrying a vaccine‐preventable infectious disease.
  • They understand that there are people with special health needs attending schools and child care facilities who are unable to be vaccinated or who are at heightened risk of contracting a vaccine‐preventable communicable disease and for whom such a disease could be life‐threatening.

The evidence‐based information that you are required to read is located on the Department of Health website:

Immunization Forms

Guidelines for the care and treatment of concussion

The MMUUSD nursing staff collaborated with MMUUSD Athletic Directors, Athletic Trainers (AT), UVM Medical Center Task Force on Concussions, UVM College of Medicine and others to develop this comprehensive evidenced-based guideline.

For concussion information and Guidelines, including Return to Learn and Return to Play Progression, please read the Parent Letter and click on Concussion under Forms (below).


Health Links

Tick Season:

Forms and Guidelines

Medication Permission Forms - required to allow medication(s) to be administered to and/or self-carried / self-administered by students in the Mt. Mansfield Unified Union District schools.

Sport Physical Forms:


MMUUSD Allergy Safe School

Lice (Pediculosis)

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